Elite Far Infrared Dome Sauna Review
Elite Far Infrared Dome Sauna Feature
- Optimum Relaxation: In just minutes the Sauna Dome will deeply relax the body.
- Detoxification: promote improved exchange of nutrients into cells and the discharge of toxins
- Improved Blood Circulation
- Relieves Pain
- Strengthens the Cardiovascular & Immune System
Lay Down, Relax, Enjoy The Total 180° Degree of FIR ( FAR INFRARED ) Healing Heat Keeping the head outside and cool while lying down is the optimal way to get the most benefits of far infrared heat with the least discomfort. Under the heat stress, which is common in a sauna, the regulation of the body's internalresponses toward self healing is maximized with the greatest degree of relaxation. Lying down in the dome promotes distinct cardiovascular and neurological advantages. Laying down relieves the nervous system and cardiovascular system of the extra stress that is required to maintain an erect posture.
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